Publication Ethics

  • Articles submitted to this journal should strictly follow the principles of scientific ethics and be free from any cultural, social, and political bias. Otherwise, they will be excluded from the review process due to non-observance of the ethical principles.
  1. If the editor-in-chief or editorial board notices an unethical issue in the content (introduction, research methods, and results) during the initial consideration stage of the manuscript, the review process will be stopped immediately, and in the future, no manuscript from the author(s) of this manuscript will be accepted in the journal.
  2. In a situation where a manuscript is in the review stage (under review) and the editor-in-chief and/or reviewers notice that the ethical principles are not being followed in the content or the research method, the review process will be stopped immediately, and in the future, no manuscript from the author(s) will be accepted in the journal.
  3. Whenever, after issuing the acceptance certificate of the manuscript, any ethical violation of the author(s) is detected by the journal office, the acceptance certificate of the manuscript will be canceled immediately, and the process of production and publication will be stopped. Also, in the future, no manuscript from the author(s) will be accepted in the journal.
  4. If any unethical issue of the author(s) is noticed after the manuscript is published and indexed, the manuscript will be retracted from the journal's website and the issue will be referred to the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology (MSRT), regulatory bodies, and the sites indexing the manuscript. Also, in the future, no manuscript from the author(s) will be accepted in the journal.

- The authors must fully respect the scientific fiduciary duty, verdicts of plagiarism, and the rights of research participants and co-authors. If these principles are not observed at any stage of the consideration and review processes, the article will be removed from the journal's agenda.

- Articles submitted to this journal will be sent to the reviewers anonymously and confidentially. Therefore, the authors will always be unaware of the names and identities of the reviewers. This principle is strictly observed in the whole process of reviewing and publishing or not acceptance of the articles.

* Since adherence to all aspects of publishing ethics is the headline of the activities of the Iranian Agricultural Extension and Education Journal, the staff of the journal seeks to formally obtain the privilege of membership in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).