The Content Analysis of Statements of Ex-National Parliament and Government Representatives of Iran with Emphasis on Agricultural Field Extension Agents

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Emam Khomeini Higher Education Center


Parliament is the most important legislative institution in each country. Statements expressed in parliament show attitudes of parliament and government representatives on topics of the society. The goal of this paper is to analyze statements of both parliament and government representatives on field extension agents including home economics, agricultural extension agents and development and extension corps in courses 17th-24th parliament of Iran. The research method is content analysis. Findings indicate that until one decade after starting extension activities in Iran neither parliament nor government representatives spoke about field extension agents in parliament. After establishment of development and extension corps (1964), this group of field extension agents were considered more than 2 other groups. Against, the lowest attention belonged to home economics. Besides, the most criticisms about development and extension corps was seen in years leading up to the Islamic revolution (1979).


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